latest Updates

- November 6, 2018
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- Free Paul Cortez, Legal News & Updates, Wrongful Convictions
Law & Crime Network’s Vincent Hill Interviews Paul’s Attorney (Toni Marie Angeli)

- November 4, 2018
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- Case Files, Free Paul Cortez, Legal News & Updates, Wrongful Convictions
Exonerating New Surveillance Video Evidence Included in Paul Cortez’s Federal Appeal

- December 8, 2017
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- Free Paul Cortez, Legal News & Updates, Wrongful Convictions
NY Times Begins to Expose the Wrongful Conviction of Paul Cortez
Exonerating New Surveillance Video Evidence Included in Paul Cortez’s Federal Appeal
Cortez Federal Appeal – Full Document On September 10, 2008, Toni Marie Angeli filed a federal appeal on behalf of Paul Cortez with the United District Court for the Southern District of New York. The filing includes newly uncovered video evidence that shows David Haughn (not Paul) leaving the apartment minutes after the time of […]
NY Times Begins to Expose the Wrongful Conviction of Paul Cortez
AT LAST! The New York Times begins to expose the wrongful conviction of Paul Cortez! Fingerprint experts, video tape evidence, Timeline proof, cell phone records ALL PROVE Paul Cortez DID NOT commit murder yet a corrupt system & individuals continue to keep an INNOCENT MAN locked away…. NY Times Article
Breaking New Video Evidence Proves Paul Cortez is Innocent
As the next step in the seemingly endless and expensive legal process, Paul’s post-trial attorney filed a 440 motion to expand the original trial record to include new evidence and forensic expert findings. This includes the need to hire new attorneys, investigate the crime 10+ years later, hire experts that cost $10k-$20k each. During the […]